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Need example regarding progress bar - Printable Version

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Need example regarding progress bar - Equuuuin0X - 06.04.2014

Is there a tutorial which tells you about how to make a loading system like in CoD Original Game ones ?

So, when player connects, it automatically gives you a loading screen, then the gamemode runs normally back again.

OR someone could teach me ?

I'll appriciate anything.

Re: Need example regarding progress bar - Pottus - 06.04.2014

Why would you want to make a fake loading screen pretty lame in my view.

Re: Need example regarding progress bar - Equuuuin0X - 06.04.2014

To make the server more unique, mhmh ?

Re: Need example regarding progress bar - iZN - 06.04.2014

There is a callback OnPlayerConnect where you can show your loading screen. Just directly show them? and if you want to delay it, add timers? then, OnPlayerRequestClass will be called.

Re: Need example regarding progress bar - Equuuuin0X - 06.04.2014

Have you ever played CoD before ?

I just wanna add more ''loading'', just after you've connected to my server.

That's all.

Re: Need example regarding progress bar - Pottus - 06.04.2014

Still, there is absolutely no point to have a fake loading screen.

Re: Need example regarding progress bar - Dubya - 06.04.2014

To create progress bars in-game, this is the filterscript:

CreateProgressBar(x, y, width, height, color, max); - max should be something like 100. (create it in OnPlayerConnect for specific IDs.

ShowProgressBarForPlayer(playerid, barid); - Only use this in OnPlayerConnect, then set a timer to the player's id for like every 50 milliseconds to a callback that will SetProgressbarValue(barid, GetProgressBarValue(barid)+1); then if(GetProgressBarValue(barid) > 99) - destroys the progress bar

SetProgressBarValue(barid, value); - used to set the value 1 higher

GetProgressBarValue(barid); - used to get the value to set it 1 higher

UpdateProgressBar(barid, playerid=INVALID_PLAYER_ID); - use the playerid part for it to update to the player.

Re: Need example regarding progress bar - Equuuuin0X - 06.04.2014

Can you get me the UPDATED/LATEST of ?

I seems not to get the latest one.

Re: Need example regarding progress bar - Coffeely - 07.04.2014

I've tried to get it myself recently, I believe it's been uncontinued. But search around, there may be another download somewhere.