Arrest command

Originally Posted by Lidor124
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In my script i made a PlayerInfo [playerid][pJailTime] in enum.
On your sscanf add:

then on your command /arrest:

for counting down the jailtime i used y_timers

then set when pJailTime == 0 so set a spawn point.
I just gave the idea.
giving the ability to cops to set their own time for jail it would be abusive... they could put long time... for civilians
Uh other possible way of how i could put the timer for jail?

Messages In This Thread
Arrest command - by vassilis - 05.04.2014, 13:03
Re: Arrest command - by thomaswilliams - 05.04.2014, 13:08
Re: Arrest command - by thomaswilliams - 05.04.2014, 13:10
Re: Arrest command - by vassilis - 05.04.2014, 13:12
Re: Arrest command - by vassilis - 05.04.2014, 15:41
Re: Arrest command - by Lidor124 - 05.04.2014, 15:55
Re: Arrest command - by vassilis - 06.04.2014, 08:15
Re: Arrest command - by vassilis - 06.04.2014, 15:04

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