How to make pickups save/load?

I would first start learning how to create a dynamic pickup indeed, I have a pickup tutorial in my signature thou it is for static, it can still be usefull, Anyhow, creating a dynamic pickup system, i would reffer you to an already existing script and studying that, How does it work etc, and then try to create ur own version of it.
May i reffer to this topic ;
(its a medium script, thou you should be able to understand it.

Messages In This Thread
How to make pickups save/load? - by rangerxxll - 10.03.2014, 02:11
Re: How to make pickups save/load? - by yvoms - 10.03.2014, 04:12
Re: How to make pickups save/load? - by rangerxxll - 10.03.2014, 05:57

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