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How to make pickups save/load? - Printable Version

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How to make pickups save/load? - rangerxxll - 10.03.2014

Hello. So I'm attempting to learn something new, and that's how to make things dynamic. I'm looking to create a pickup in-game, and have it save/load. I'd also like the pickup to do something (I already have a stock for it, which will give a random weapon.)

Is there any tutorials out there on how to make things dynamic with y_ini perhaps? I'm getting tired of doing things manually, and it would be much more convenient to just /createpickup, which will create a specified pickup at your location, and would make it compatible with my current stock. (GiveRandomWeapon, when they enter the pickup.)

Where do I start learning? I'd like to learn how to make things dynamic.

Re: How to make pickups save/load? - yvoms - 10.03.2014

I would first start learning how to create a dynamic pickup indeed, I have a pickup tutorial in my signature thou it is for static, it can still be usefull, Anyhow, creating a dynamic pickup system, i would reffer you to an already existing script and studying that, How does it work etc, and then try to create ur own version of it.
May i reffer to this topic ;
(its a medium script, thou you should be able to understand it.

Re: How to make pickups save/load? - rangerxxll - 10.03.2014

I'm actually not familiar with mysql at all. But I'll try to find a already-existing script and begin studying from it. Thank you.