Retrieving info, working server.

Hi, I apprear to be having a problem with my SAMP. I am trying to connect to a server that is online and people ARE playing it, but for me it only says retrieving info. What can I do to fix this? I played on the server before, but it is glitching. Please help.

Messages In This Thread
Retrieving info, working server. - by teoras1 - 02.03.2014, 17:07
Re: Retrieving info, working server. - by LeGGGeNNdA - 02.03.2014, 17:09
Re: Retrieving info, working server. - by teoras1 - 02.03.2014, 17:10
Re: Retrieving info, working server. - by teoras1 - 02.03.2014, 17:33
Re: Retrieving info, working server. - by Matt - 02.03.2014, 21:41
AW: Retrieving info, working server. - by BigETI - 03.03.2014, 05:36
Re: Retrieving info, working server. - by Fernado Samuel - 03.03.2014, 07:15

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