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Retrieving info, working server. - Printable Version

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Retrieving info, working server. - teoras1 - 02.03.2014

Hi, I apprear to be having a problem with my SAMP. I am trying to connect to a server that is online and people ARE playing it, but for me it only says retrieving info. What can I do to fix this? I played on the server before, but it is glitching. Please help.

Re: Retrieving info, working server. - LeGGGeNNdA - 02.03.2014

It happends only at 1 server or to all servers??
It might be your internet connection.

Re: Retrieving info, working server. - teoras1 - 02.03.2014

Only this. I recently played on a server. A similar thing happened to me before but it was solved until now.

Re: Retrieving info, working server. - teoras1 - 02.03.2014

Anyone got an idea how to fix this?

Re: Retrieving info, working server. - Matt - 02.03.2014

Maybe your ip is banned on their firewall or something. Or do you have the server twice in your favorites?

AW: Retrieving info, working server. - BigETI - 03.03.2014

Or this server might be in an infinite loop, where you can see online "players", but they actually aren't.

Re: Retrieving info, working server. - Fernado Samuel - 03.03.2014

I have faced this same Problem. It will be showing online in SAMP but your server may be crashed or Hanged due to attack. I don't know how this is possible.I myself was unable to find it