Can i do it like that?

But i mean, when i will do it for first player

for(new r=0; r < cache_get_row_count(); ++r)
And then when will be other player, i too can get

for(new r=0; r < cache_get_row_count(); ++r)


Messages In This Thread
Can i do it like that? - by audriuxxx - 01.03.2014, 18:21
Respuesta: Can i do it like that? - by CuervO - 01.03.2014, 18:31
Re: Can i do it like that? - by audriuxxx - 01.03.2014, 18:34
Respuesta: Re: Can i do it like that? - by CuervO - 01.03.2014, 18:35

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