Can i do it like that? - Printable Version
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Can i do it like that? -
audriuxxx - 01.03.2014
foreach(new allplayerqq : Player)
for(new r=0; r < cache_get_row_count(); ++r)
cache_get_row(r, 0, internetplayername);
format( createstring,25,"%s", internetplayername );
SendClientMessage( allplayerqq,COLOR_YELLOW,createstring );
What i have mean, can i do foreach and then do a for(new and get a information from mysql for everone player?
Respuesta: Can i do it like that? -
CuervO - 01.03.2014
Yes. You can put loops inside loops inside loops inside loops (x infinity).
I recommend putting the cache_num_rows check outside the first loop, otherwise it would check to all players and stop if it's missing all the times.
Re: Can i do it like that? -
audriuxxx - 01.03.2014
But i mean, when i will do it for first player
for(new r=0; r < cache_get_row_count(); ++r)
And then when will be other player, i too can get
for(new r=0; r < cache_get_row_count(); ++r)
Respuesta: Re: Can i do it like that? -
CuervO - 01.03.2014
Originally Posted by audriuxxx
But i mean, when i will do it for first player
for(new r=0; r < cache_get_row_count(); ++r)
And then when will be other player, i too can get
for(new r=0; r < cache_get_row_count(); ++r)
Loops are run X amount times as you specified. Foreach will run one time per player, and within that one time per player run, the second loop will run X amount of times as you specified it (in this case, cache_get_row_count() amount of times).
Run(10 times)
run(20 times)
That's just an example, that code would be run 200 amount of times, whatever is first will be run 10 times and inside those 10 times a new code will be run 20 times each run the first one haves.