Correct password but wrong ?



strcmp returns 1 if both strings are not equal, and even not speaking your language I can notice you're passing that to the success part of the login. Check if it's false if you want to check if two strings are equal.

Messages In This Thread
Correct password but wrong ? - by SlayerS - 28.02.2014, 20:02
Respuesta: Correct password but wrong ? - by CuervO - 28.02.2014, 20:27
Re: Respuesta: Correct password but wrong ? - by Konstantinos - 28.02.2014, 20:35
Re : Respuesta: Correct password but wrong ? - by SlayerS - 28.02.2014, 20:55
Re : Correct password but wrong ? - by SlayerS - 01.03.2014, 16:11

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