[Tutorial] Custom Damaging(with bodyparts) && Forbidding Weapons(0.3z)

Originally Posted by Unfriendly
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That's easy to do, though! Especially with what he's already shown us.

Thank you evan!

     if(issuerid != INVALID_PLAYER_ID && weaponid == 34 && bodypart == 7)
        new Float:phealth;
        GetPlayerHealth(playerid, phealth);
        //if you shoot him in the leg, it should only take like 5 damage...
        // I believe by default the sniper takes like 30, I'm not sure. But if it takes 30 damage you could do this
        SetPlayerHealth(playerid, phealth+25);
       // This just gives the player 25 health when he's shot with a sniper.
       // Keep in mind the sniper took some health, so giving him 25 back won't mean he can't be killed. Just takes more shots in the leg.
By default, sniper rifle takes 42 HP. So you'd need to make allowances. Also, if someone was to shoot you in the leg with a sniper, do you think you would still be moving?

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