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[Tutorial] Custom Damaging(with bodyparts) && Forbidding Weapons(0.3z) - Printable Version

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Custom Damaging(with bodyparts) && Forbidding Weapons(0.3z) - Abagail - 18.01.2014

Custom Damaging(with bodyparts)

I wanted to explain how you could do custom damaging for specific Body-Parts with the new 0.3z update.

What you'll need:
**Some Scripting Knowledge**
**The 0.3z Pawno Package**

We'll start by setting everything up:

#include a_samp

We'll have to define our body-part ID's, which we can easily use/refer back to. The Number inidicates the bodypart ID.

Then, we can either use OnPlayerTakeDamage, or OnPlayerGiveDamage. We'll use OnPlayerTakeDamage for this tutorial. Playerid will represent the player taking the damage, whilst the issuserID will be the person issuing the damage to the playerid. The "amount" float will be representing the amount of health playerid has lost.
The weaponID will be representing the weaponID used by the issuerid. Finally, the bodypart will represent which body-part was shot at, using our defines shown above.

This is what it will look like:

public OnPlayerTakeDamage(playerid, issuerid, Float: amount, weaponid, bodypart)
    return 1;
Now, we will want to make sure both players are connected, to prevent any bugs. We will use IsPlayerConnected, by doing the following:

if(!IsPlayerConnected(playerid)) return 0;
if(!IsPlayerConnected(issuerid)) return 0;
So, now for the first example we'll use a one-shot sniper kill. But it will only do this if issuerid shoots the playerid in the head which is bodypart ID 9.

  if(issuerid != INVALID_PLAYER_ID && weaponid == 34 && bodypart == 9)
        SetPlayerHealth(playerid, 0.0);
Now, you can just replace the WeaponID with the weaponID you want. You can find the WeaponID'S by clicking here. You can adjust the bodypart thats shot by changing the bodypart. You can refer to the ID's by looking at the defines.

If you want to forbid/ban players using certain weapons such as RPG'S and mini-guns you can use the code found below:

if(issuerid != INVALID_PLAYER_ID && weaponid == 38 )

Obviously, replacing the WeaponID with the one you want to forbid. The final code is shown below.

#include a_samp


public OnPlayerTakeDamage(playerid, issuerid, Float: amount, weaponid, bodypart)
     if(!IsPlayerConnected(playerid)) return 0;
     if(!IsPlayerConnected(issuerid)) return 0;
     if(issuerid != INVALID_PLAYER_ID && weaponid == 34 && bodypart == 9)
        SetPlayerHealth(playerid, 0.0);
     if(issuerid != INVALID_PLAYER_ID && weaponid == 38)
    return 1;
Lastly, if you get the "error 025: function heading differs from prototype" error it means you have the 0.3x pawno compiler or an even older version, and need to get the new 0.3z package from


I hope this helped you understand this, and if you have any questions at all either PM me or reply here below.

EDIT: I realize there are several grammar mistakes throughout, I'll edit / re-do the tutorial when I have time.

Re: Custom Damaging(with bodyparts) && Forbidding Weapons(0.3z) - Scaleta - 09.02.2014

I would not call this custom damage, as it only kills a player if one bodypart is hit. It can be much more extensive.

Re: Custom Damaging(with bodyparts) && Forbidding Weapons(0.3z) - Unfriendly - 09.02.2014

Originally Posted by Scaleta
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I would not call this custom damage, as it only kills a player if one bodypart is hit. It can be much more extensive.
That's easy to do, though! Especially with what he's already shown us.

Thank you evan!

     if(issuerid != INVALID_PLAYER_ID && weaponid == 34 && bodypart == 7)
        new Float:phealth;
        GetPlayerHealth(playerid, phealth);
        //if you shoot him in the leg, it should only take like 5 damage...
        // I believe by default the sniper takes like 30, I'm not sure. But if it takes 30 damage you could do this
        SetPlayerHealth(playerid, phealth+25);
       // This just gives the player 25 health when he's shot with a sniper.
       // Keep in mind the sniper took some health, so giving him 25 back won't mean he can't be killed. Just takes more shots in the leg.

Re: Custom Damaging(with bodyparts) && Forbidding Weapons(0.3z) - landmine - 25.02.2014

thanks for this tut i can make a headshotsystem simply now and also make my weps hit custom damge for some class alm though i know a different method to make custom damge but this way looks alot more simple

Re: Custom Damaging(with bodyparts) && Forbidding Weapons(0.3z) - Ozil - 25.02.2014

Very nice tutorial man!

Re: Custom Damaging(with bodyparts) && Forbidding Weapons(0.3z) - Isolated - 27.02.2014

Originally Posted by Unfriendly
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That's easy to do, though! Especially with what he's already shown us.

Thank you evan!

     if(issuerid != INVALID_PLAYER_ID && weaponid == 34 && bodypart == 7)
        new Float:phealth;
        GetPlayerHealth(playerid, phealth);
        //if you shoot him in the leg, it should only take like 5 damage...
        // I believe by default the sniper takes like 30, I'm not sure. But if it takes 30 damage you could do this
        SetPlayerHealth(playerid, phealth+25);
       // This just gives the player 25 health when he's shot with a sniper.
       // Keep in mind the sniper took some health, so giving him 25 back won't mean he can't be killed. Just takes more shots in the leg.
By default, sniper rifle takes 42 HP. So you'd need to make allowances. Also, if someone was to shoot you in the leg with a sniper, do you think you would still be moving?

Re: Custom Damaging(with bodyparts) && Forbidding Weapons(0.3z) - GeasyW - 12.03.2014

Useful tutorial, Thanks Evan!

Re: Custom Damaging(with bodyparts) && Forbidding Weapons(0.3z) - MP2 - 12.03.2014

Originally Posted by Abagail
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Now, we will want to make sure both players are connected, to prevent any bugs. We will use IsPlayerConnected, by doing the following:

if(!IsPlayerConnected(playerid)) return 0;
if(!IsPlayerConnected(issuerid)) return 0;
Of course they're connected... The callback wouldn't be being called if they weren't. This is like using IsPlayerConnected under OnPlayerConnect.

Also you should really use [ pawn] tags not [ code ].

Re : Custom Damaging(with bodyparts) && Forbidding Weapons(0.3z) - Clad - 12.03.2014

Useful tutorial

Re: Custom Damaging(with bodyparts) && Forbidding Weapons(0.3z) - Abagail - 12.03.2014

@MP2, It was just a "goof" check as sometimes there's hack methods of doing stuff... Just making me sure everythings legit is all. I plan on adding more to this tutorial.

Re: Custom Damaging(with bodyparts) && Forbidding Weapons(0.3z) - Simou - 14.03.2014
