2 questions

Originally Posted by Qeux
i'm pretty sure you can only use PlayerToPoint in gf modes... if you want to add playertopoint to your mode download a gf edit and copy paste the public PlayerToPoint from gf edit... also you could just copy the gf playerinfo and register/login system you would kill 2 birds with 1 stone

I not said I good at this!

Messages In This Thread
2 questions - by _RedBull_ - 16.05.2009, 16:39
Re: 2 questions - by Luka P. - 16.05.2009, 16:51
Re: 2 questions - by MenaceX^ - 16.05.2009, 16:54
Re: 2 questions - by Qeux - 16.05.2009, 16:56
Re: 2 questions - by _RedBull_ - 16.05.2009, 16:58
Re: 2 questions - by MenaceX^ - 16.05.2009, 17:00
Re: 2 questions - by miokie - 16.05.2009, 17:14
Re: 2 questions - by Luka P. - 16.05.2009, 19:39
Re: 2 questions - by mamorunl - 16.05.2009, 19:53
Re: 2 questions - by MenaceX^ - 16.05.2009, 21:12
Re: 2 questions - by Luka P. - 16.05.2009, 22:06

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