20.12.2013, 15:40
Tutorial 1 (Y_INI nearly features that you are looking for)
Tutorial 2 (Y_INI)
Tutorial 3 (MySQL)
Filterscript 1 (/createveh , lock , locate , park are avilable)
Filterscript 2 (awesome features)
You don't have to waste your money you can just follow tutorials or filterscripts that i linked you above , and you can just edit highlights you want , change the name of commands example from '/buycar' to '/v' as you want.
Tutorial 1 (Y_INI nearly features that you are looking for)
Tutorial 2 (Y_INI)
Tutorial 3 (MySQL)
Filterscript 1 (/createveh , lock , locate , park are avilable)
Filterscript 2 (awesome features)
You don't have to waste your money you can just follow tutorials or filterscripts that i linked you above , and you can just edit highlights you want , change the name of commands example from '/buycar' to '/v' as you want.