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I buy car system - Printable Version

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I buy car system - Cerealguy - 20.12.2013

Hi friend, I'm looking for a person who believes me a trolley system, as the title would pay for it, the system says it would be something basic.

/vehiclecreate model, price

/v park , lock, locate, buy

On player enter vehicle

with owner : Message Cars owner is Player
With lock on : Cars locked

With no owner: Use /v buy to buy car

Re: I buy car system - Excelize - 20.12.2013

There are lots of scripts like these for free,
Just look around the forums, you will find tons.

Re: I buy car system - Gilbonzo - 20.12.2013

Even if you would think about doing it yourself I believe that it won't take much time.

Re: I buy car system - Zalance - 20.12.2013

Or just search in ****** by typing samp car system script

Respuesta: I buy car system - Cerealguy - 20.12.2013

I know there are a lot, I can make with these materials and develop mine, but my time is insufficient for that I pay because I believe one

Re: I buy car system - SilentSoul - 20.12.2013


Tutorial 1 (Y_INI nearly features that you are looking for)
Tutorial 2 (Y_INI)
Tutorial 3 (MySQL)


Filterscript 1 (/createveh , lock , locate , park are avilable)
Filterscript 2 (awesome features)

You don't have to waste your money you can just follow tutorials or filterscripts that i linked you above , and you can just edit highlights you want , change the name of commands example from '/buycar' to '/v' as you want.