MACs and BootCamp

I would say yes to a Mac, but depending on how much space you are going to be using, No.

BootCamp allows you to partition only about a Max of 30GB for Windows, and the rest for Mac, unless you do a CLEAN install of Windows on the HDD.

If you want a Windows PC, I prefer you look on Amazon or TigerDirect.

Messages In This Thread
MACs and BootCamp - by UberSocks - 24.04.2009, 11:18
Re: MACs and BootCamp - by Fatboy_Rob - 24.04.2009, 15:09
Re: MACs and BootCamp - by RobertGraham - 24.04.2009, 17:56
Re: MACs and BootCamp - by wolfy - 24.04.2009, 19:07

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