[Pedido] Chat kill (no chat onde conversa)

Originally Posted by DannielCooper
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pawn Код:
public OnPlayerDeath(playerid, killerid, reason)
new killername[MAX_PLAYER_NAME], mortonome[MAX_PLAYER_NAME], armanome;

GetWeaponName(killerid, armanome, sizeof (armanome));

SendClientMessageToAll(playerid, /* COR */, "%s foi morto por %s, com a arma %s", killername, mortoname, armanome);
sу gostaria de saber como alguйm que mexe nisso б mais de 1 mes e nгo sabe fazer issu ..
Deu erros

D:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\RPG\Gamemodes\ULTRA 2.pwn(17240) : error 035: argument type mismatch (argument 2)
D:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\RPG\Gamemodes\ULTRA 2.pwn(17240) : error 035: argument type mismatch (argument 2)
D:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\RPG\Gamemodes\ULTRA 2.pwn(17241) : error 035: argument type mismatch (argument 2)
D:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\RPG\Gamemodes\ULTRA 2.pwn(17239) : warning 203: symbol is never used: "armanome"
D:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\RPG\Gamemodes\ULTRA 2.pwn(17239) : warning 204: symbol is assigned a value that is never used: "mortonome"

E se funciona-se ia mandar a msg pra todos online eu queria q a msg sу aparece-se sу pro cara que matou e pro cara que morreu!

Messages In This Thread
Chat kill (no chat onde conversa) - by luccagomes15 - 18.11.2013, 08:12
Re: Chat kill (no chat onde conversa) - by Caio_loco - 18.11.2013, 10:10
Re: Chat kill (no chat onde conversa) - by DannielCooper - 18.11.2013, 12:44
Re: Chat kill (no chat onde conversa) - by luccagomes15 - 18.11.2013, 18:17
Re: Chat kill (no chat onde conversa) - by Tugamars - 18.11.2013, 18:25
Re: Chat kill (no chat onde conversa) - by luccagomes15 - 19.11.2013, 11:38
Respuesta: Re: Chat kill (no chat onde conversa) - by DanDRT - 19.11.2013, 11:56
Re: Chat kill (no chat onde conversa) - by luccagomes15 - 19.11.2013, 12:06
Re: Chat kill (no chat onde conversa) - by DannielCooper - 19.11.2013, 12:14
Re: Chat kill (no chat onde conversa) - by luccagomes15 - 19.11.2013, 13:08

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