Filescript help! [+REP]

Originally Posted by Gogorakis
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My server is roleplay so the ammo is unlimited...How can I script this? I mean every gun has unlimited ammo


ResetPlayerMoney(playerid); - but how can I set the money?
Check my code and change every 500 to 99999999
And instead of reseting money, which is used to set the player cash to 0, give "-" cash.

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So too late.

Messages In This Thread
Filescript help! [+REP] - by Gogorakis - 17.11.2013, 20:08
Re: Filescript help! [+REP] - by Gogorakis - 17.11.2013, 20:22
Re: Filescript help! [+REP] - by StuartD - 17.11.2013, 20:27
Re: Filescript help! [+REP] - by Wizzy951 - 17.11.2013, 20:28
Re: Filescript help! [+REP] - by Gogorakis - 17.11.2013, 20:29
Re: Filescript help! [+REP] - by StuartD - 17.11.2013, 20:31
Re: Filescript help! [+REP] - by iPrivate - 17.11.2013, 20:31
Re: Filescript help! [+REP] - by Wizzy951 - 17.11.2013, 20:32
Re: Filescript help! [+REP] - by Gogorakis - 17.11.2013, 20:37

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