12.11.2013, 02:47
@Bakr - You have it spot on (Encapsulation)
My DayZ server is built completely modular just for you interest here is an example of what it looks like.
My DayZ server is built completely modular just for you interest here is an example of what it looks like.
pawn Code:
// Gamemode includes
// Systems
#include "systems\togglecontrollableex.pwn" // Infinte health protection
#include "systems\dynamicarea.pwn" // Dynamic area sub-streamer
#include "systems\dynamiccp.pwn" // Dynamic CP sub-streamer
#include "systems\alltextures.pwn" // Texture reference
#include "systems\pb.pwn" // Progress bar
#include "systems\other\stockfunctions.pwn" // Common stock functions
#include "systems\other\vdamage.pwn" // Vehicle Damage functions
#include "systems\other\sscanfuser.pwn" // Custom specifier as a "u" specifier replacement
#include "systems\pause.pwn" // Pause system
#if defined USE_COLLISIONS
#include "systems\onplayershoot.pwn" // Detects when a player shoots
#include "systems\interactiveobjects.pwn" // Interactive (shootable) objects
// GeoIP
#include "systems\geoip.pwn" // GeoIP
// Gamemode systems
// Textdraws
#include "gamemode\textdraws\huddraws.pwn" // Hud draws on right of screen
#include "gamemode\textdraws\logintextdraw.pwn" // Shows login textdraw
#include "gamemode\textdraws\radar.pwn" // Radar (map)
#include "gamemode\textdraws\alivetime.pwn" // Alive time textdraw
#include "gamemode\textdraws\blooddraws.pwn" // Shows blood left
// Systems
#include "gamemode\systems\swim.pwn" // Swimming include
#include "gamemode\systems\clock.pwn" // Game clock (includes weather)
#include "gamemode\systems\surfcheck.pwn" // Anti car surf
#include "gamemode\systems\fpspingkicker.pwn" // FPS and ping updater / kicker
#include "gamemode\systems\throw.pwn" // Generates throw frames for objects
#include "gamemode\systems\serverstats.pwn" // Server statistic tracking / saving
#include "gamemode\systems\areas.pwn" // Dynamic areas (** This is kind of messy right now**)
#include "gamemode\systems\movegates.pwn" // Movable gates include
#if defined USE_COSTUME
#include "gamemode\costume\costume.pwn" // Costume system
// Environment
#include "gamemode\env\antigbug.pwn" // Anti car G-bug
#include "gamemode\env\antidb.pwn" // Anti drive-by
#include "gamemode\env\rangetags.pwn" // Ranged nametags when aiming
#include "gamemode\env\dynamicobjects.pwn" // Dynamic object map
// Player stuff
#include "gamemode\player\achieve.pwn" // Achievement system
#include "gamemode\player\defecate.pwn" // Shitting on system
#include "gamemode\player\playeractions.pwn" // Special player actions
#include "gamemode\player\firstperson.pwn" // First person
#include "gamemode\player\experience.pwn" // Experience system
#include "gamemode\player\statistics.pwn" // Saves player position every 5 minutes
#include "gamemode\player\extstats.pwn" // Extended statistics
#include "gamemode\player\killspree.pwn" // Kill spree system
#include "gamemode\player\logindata.pwn" // Records data about each login
#include "gamemode\player\sniperdot.pwn" // Sniper dot for player
//#include "gamemode\player\vipsystem.pwn" // VIP saving system
// Effects
#include "gamemode\effects\blood.pwn" // Blood death animation
#include "gamemode\effects\bleeding.pwn" // Blood trails
#include "gamemode\effects\damagedraws.pwn" // Shows when a player is damaged
// Data
#include "gamemode\data\classes.pwn" // Availible classes
#include "gamemode\data\validnames.pwn" // Valid names
#include "gamemode\data\spawnspots.pwn" // Spawn spots
#include "gamemode\data\removebuilding.pwn" // Remove buildings
// Admin stuff
#include "gamemode\admin\report.pwn" // Report system
#include "gamemode\admin\bansys.pwn" // Ban system
#include "gamemode\admin\admincommands.pwn" // Admin commands
#include "gamemode\admin\userinfo.pwn" // Edit the user system data
#include "gamemode\admin\playerinfo.pwn" // Displays player info for admins
// Gamemode commands
#include "gamemode\commands\usercommands.pwn" // User Commands
#include "gamemode\commands\animations.pwn" // Adds animation commands
// Major systems
#include "gamemode\npc\npcmodule.pwn" // NPC Module
#include "gamemode\items\itemsystem.pwn" // Item system
#include "gamemode\vehicles\vehiclesys.pwn" // Vehicle System
#include "gamemode\vehicles\lastdriver.pwn" // Keep track of a vehicles last driver
#include "gamemode\gangs\gangsystem.pwn" // Gang system
#include "gamemode\gameloop\gameloop.pwn" // Main game update loop
// Other stuff
#include "gamemode\other\svehicles.pwn" // Special vehicles
#include "gamemode\other\balloon.pwn" // Air balloon
#include "gamemode\other\stuff.pwn" // Stuff include
#include "gamemode\other\cameras.pwn" // Cameras
#include "gamemode\other\trailer.pwn" // Attached trailer
#include "gamemode\other\topbar.pwn" // Top info bar
#include "gamemode\other\sweeper.pwn" // Streetsweeper