#include business-script
#include house-script
#include factions-script
#include admin-script
Yeah how can I do this as filterscripts Akira? Thanks for replying too.
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// Gamemode includes
// Systems
#include "systems\togglecontrollableex.pwn" // Infinte health protection
#include "systems\dynamicarea.pwn" // Dynamic area sub-streamer
#include "systems\dynamiccp.pwn" // Dynamic CP sub-streamer
#include "systems\alltextures.pwn" // Texture reference
#include "systems\pb.pwn" // Progress bar
#include "systems\other\stockfunctions.pwn" // Common stock functions
#include "systems\other\vdamage.pwn" // Vehicle Damage functions
#include "systems\other\sscanfuser.pwn" // Custom specifier as a "u" specifier replacement
#include "systems\pause.pwn" // Pause system
#if defined USE_COLLISIONS
#include "systems\onplayershoot.pwn" // Detects when a player shoots
#include "systems\interactiveobjects.pwn" // Interactive (shootable) objects
// GeoIP
#include "systems\geoip.pwn" // GeoIP
// Gamemode systems
// Textdraws
#include "gamemode\textdraws\huddraws.pwn" // Hud draws on right of screen
#include "gamemode\textdraws\logintextdraw.pwn" // Shows login textdraw
#include "gamemode\textdraws\radar.pwn" // Radar (map)
#include "gamemode\textdraws\alivetime.pwn" // Alive time textdraw
#include "gamemode\textdraws\blooddraws.pwn" // Shows blood left
// Systems
#include "gamemode\systems\swim.pwn" // Swimming include
#include "gamemode\systems\clock.pwn" // Game clock (includes weather)
#include "gamemode\systems\surfcheck.pwn" // Anti car surf
#include "gamemode\systems\fpspingkicker.pwn" // FPS and ping updater / kicker
#include "gamemode\systems\throw.pwn" // Generates throw frames for objects
#include "gamemode\systems\serverstats.pwn" // Server statistic tracking / saving
#include "gamemode\systems\areas.pwn" // Dynamic areas (** This is kind of messy right now**)
#include "gamemode\systems\movegates.pwn" // Movable gates include
#if defined USE_COSTUME
#include "gamemode\costume\costume.pwn" // Costume system
// Environment
#include "gamemode\env\antigbug.pwn" // Anti car G-bug
#include "gamemode\env\antidb.pwn" // Anti drive-by
#include "gamemode\env\rangetags.pwn" // Ranged nametags when aiming
#include "gamemode\env\dynamicobjects.pwn" // Dynamic object map
// Player stuff
#include "gamemode\player\achieve.pwn" // Achievement system
#include "gamemode\player\defecate.pwn" // Shitting on system
#include "gamemode\player\playeractions.pwn" // Special player actions
#include "gamemode\player\firstperson.pwn" // First person
#include "gamemode\player\experience.pwn" // Experience system
#include "gamemode\player\statistics.pwn" // Saves player position every 5 minutes
#include "gamemode\player\extstats.pwn" // Extended statistics
#include "gamemode\player\killspree.pwn" // Kill spree system
#include "gamemode\player\logindata.pwn" // Records data about each login
#include "gamemode\player\sniperdot.pwn" // Sniper dot for player
//#include "gamemode\player\vipsystem.pwn" // VIP saving system
// Effects
#include "gamemode\effects\blood.pwn" // Blood death animation
#include "gamemode\effects\bleeding.pwn" // Blood trails
#include "gamemode\effects\damagedraws.pwn" // Shows when a player is damaged
// Data
#include "gamemode\data\classes.pwn" // Availible classes
#include "gamemode\data\validnames.pwn" // Valid names
#include "gamemode\data\spawnspots.pwn" // Spawn spots
#include "gamemode\data\removebuilding.pwn" // Remove buildings
// Admin stuff
#include "gamemode\admin\report.pwn" // Report system
#include "gamemode\admin\bansys.pwn" // Ban system
#include "gamemode\admin\admincommands.pwn" // Admin commands
#include "gamemode\admin\userinfo.pwn" // Edit the user system data
#include "gamemode\admin\playerinfo.pwn" // Displays player info for admins
// Gamemode commands
#include "gamemode\commands\usercommands.pwn" // User Commands
#include "gamemode\commands\animations.pwn" // Adds animation commands
// Major systems
#include "gamemode\npc\npcmodule.pwn" // NPC Module
#include "gamemode\items\itemsystem.pwn" // Item system
#include "gamemode\vehicles\vehiclesys.pwn" // Vehicle System
#include "gamemode\vehicles\lastdriver.pwn" // Keep track of a vehicles last driver
#include "gamemode\gangs\gangsystem.pwn" // Gang system
#include "gamemode\gameloop\gameloop.pwn" // Main game update loop
// Other stuff
#include "gamemode\other\svehicles.pwn" // Special vehicles
#include "gamemode\other\balloon.pwn" // Air balloon
#include "gamemode\other\stuff.pwn" // Stuff include
#include "gamemode\other\cameras.pwn" // Cameras
#include "gamemode\other\trailer.pwn" // Attached trailer
#include "gamemode\other\topbar.pwn" // Top info bar
#include "gamemode\other\sweeper.pwn" // Streetsweeper
The advantage to using filterscripts instead of includes is that you're able to modify the code in real-time whenever you want without restarting the server. However, this comes with the cost of using remote functions or PVars.