Help me in Error

Do you have Streamer Include and Plugins;

and Do you have this on your GameMode Script ?
#include <streamer>
and If you don't have Try Downloading it;

First of all,

Streamer Plugin & Include:
[Plugin] Streamer Plugin
****** Project Download Page for Streamer Plugin
Pastebin for Streamer Include

Check your "PAWNO > includes" Directory, and Look for "",

and Check your "Plugins" Directory, and Look for "streamer.dll" or "",

If you don't have "" and "streamer.dll" or "",

(NOTE: Make sure you open the same PAWNO that contains all your stuff)

Download it here,

[Plugin] Streamer Plugin
****** Project Download Page for Streamer Plugin
Pastebin for Streamer Include

  1. Copy the Plugin File plugins.
  2. Open server.cfg and add the plugin's name on plugins line.
  1. Copy the whole include codes in Notepad, Wordpad, etc..
  2. Save it as "include's", and Save it in "PAWNO > include".
  3. Open your Gamemode Script using PAWNO Compiler.
  4. Add "#include <include's name>" at the Top of your Gamemode Script.
  5. Compile it, Save it, and Finish.
  1. Download the Include File, Copy it.
  2. Paste it in "PAWNO > include".
  3. Open your Gamemode Script using PAWNO Compiler.
  4. Add "#include <include's name>" at the Top of your Gamemode Script.
  5. Compile it, Save it, and Finish.

Messages In This Thread
Help me in Error - by Jes - 08.11.2013, 03:47
Re: Help me in Error - by SAMProductions - 08.11.2013, 03:58

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