[FilterScript] SLFS (Simple Lantern Filterscript)

Originally Posted by Scrillex
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epic.... mate I love it Btw it's flashlight.
Aww. I thought that "Flashlight" isn't the right word. I'm not a "native-speaker", and I've called this "SFFS" as Simple Flashlight Filterscript at first, but I've changed the name before posting here.
Thank you for that notice

Messages In This Thread
SFFS (Simple Flashlight Filterscript) - by SHOROOP - 06.11.2013, 08:14
Re: SLFS (Simple Lantern Filterscript) - by Scrillex - 06.11.2013, 11:37
Re: SLFS (Simple Lantern Filterscript) - by FailerZ - 06.11.2013, 11:45
Re: SLFS (Simple Lantern Filterscript) - by SHOROOP - 06.11.2013, 12:14
Re: SLFS (Simple Lantern Filterscript) - by Jankingston - 06.11.2013, 12:25

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