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[FilterScript] SLFS (Simple Lantern Filterscript) - Printable Version

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SFFS (Simple Flashlight Filterscript) - SHOROOP - 06.11.2013

Simple Flashlight Filterscript (SFFS)
Hello there.
A month ago, I've got an idea about adding a functional flashlight in SA:MP. But after few days of developing the system, I just dropped it out 'cause I hadn't found any idea how it can be used. So, I've decided to send my code to publicity.

This FS is very simple. It adds two objects to a player model - a flashlight in hand and a light. The light power has two modes: a short and a long ray.

There are only two commands in this script: Screenshots (they were made in CR:MP, an adaptation of SA:MP for global modifcation called United Russian Mod):

The source code is available at Pastebin.

I know that it's a very simple and, I think, is not so useful script, but maybe someone can develop something new with this idea.
This FS was released under Creative Commons «Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike» license (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0).

Re: SLFS (Simple Lantern Filterscript) - Scrillex - 06.11.2013

epic.... mate I love it Btw it's flashlight.

Re: SLFS (Simple Lantern Filterscript) - FailerZ - 06.11.2013


Re: SLFS (Simple Lantern Filterscript) - SHOROOP - 06.11.2013

Originally Posted by Scrillex
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epic.... mate I love it Btw it's flashlight.
Aww. I thought that "Flashlight" isn't the right word. I'm not a "native-speaker", and I've called this "SFFS" as Simple Flashlight Filterscript at first, but I've changed the name before posting here.
Thank you for that notice

Re: SLFS (Simple Lantern Filterscript) - Jankingston - 06.11.2013
