New 911


Well, i have been trying for some time to get my new 911 system working, but it keeps failing.

This is what i currentley have:

			if(phonenumb == 911)
  			  SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, "HINT: You now use T to talk on your cellphone, type /hangup to hang up");
  			  SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_DBLUE, "Police HQ: Please describe the incident.");
  			  SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, "Where are you? Are you hurt? Whats happening?");
  			  Mobile[playerid] = 911;
  			  return 1;
if(Mobile[playerid] == 911)
				SendClientMessage(playerid, TEAM_CYAN_COLOR, "Dispatch: Sorry I don't understand?");
				return 0;
			new turner[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];
			new wanted[128];
			GetPlayerName(playerid, turner, sizeof(turner));
			SendClientMessage(playerid, TEAM_CYAN_COLOR, "Dispatch: We have alerted all units in the area.");
			SendClientMessage(playerid, TEAM_CYAN_COLOR, "Thank you for reporting this incident");
			format(wanted, sizeof(wanted), "Dispatch: All Units IA: Caller: %s",turner);
			SendTeamBeepMessage(1, TEAM_CYAN_COLOR, wanted);
			SendTeamBeepMessage(2, TEAM_CYAN_COLOR, wanted);
			format(wanted, sizeof(wanted), "Dispatch: Incident: %s",text);
			SendTeamMessage(1, TEAM_CYAN_COLOR, wanted);
			SendTeamMessage(2, TEAM_CYAN_COLOR, wanted);
			new Float:trace_x, Float:trace_y, Float:trace_z;
			GetPlayerPos(playerid, trace_x, trace_y, trace_z);
			emdtrace = 1; emdtrace_x = trace_x; emdtrace_y = trace_y; emdtrace_z = trace_z;
			SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GRAD2, "  They Hung Up...");
			Mobile[playerid] = 255;
			return 0;
Problem is, i want it to be in sections. So, like this:

User calls 911
Police HQ: Sir, please tell me your name:
Harry Smith
Police HQ: Ok Harry Smith, whats the problem?
I've seen people shooting
Police HQ: Where is this happening?
Pershing Square
Police HQ: Our officers are being dispatched, thank you for reporting.

Dispatch: All units, be aware of this 911 call.
"Harry Smith" has reported: "I've seen people shooting"
Location of event is "Pershing Square".
All units respond to this call...


Messages In This Thread
New 911 - by Kirkmaster10 - 17.04.2009, 01:02
Re: New 911 - by Kirkmaster10 - 17.04.2009, 10:32
Re: New 911 - by krisis32 - 17.04.2009, 12:05
Re: New 911 - by Kirkmaster10 - 17.04.2009, 12:35
Re: New 911 - by krisis32 - 17.04.2009, 12:58
Re: New 911 - by Kirkmaster10 - 17.04.2009, 15:22

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