07.10.2013, 00:13
Creating a hype around your website can be very difficult.
One thing I hear everytime people talk about opening a store is "Yeah well we'll just sell it cheaper than everybody else." Note that on the internet, that is almost always impossible. Suppliers put a miminum sales price on their products. This is to keep the values of everything balanced, and on the internet, alot of sites go for the stategy of putting products for the exact minimum price. You also cannot simply ignore this minimum, because depending on your countries' law you can get a fine going from hundreds to thousands of X(Currency). Marketing on the internet is also very difficult because more and more people use adblock, and in general, people avoid companies that make annoying advertisments more than they actually visit the site. The best you can do is try to get YT advertisment space, or spread flyers around, but flyers aren't very effective since the internet is worldwide. Source: Me. Trust me, I'm a doctor. |
Simicity (2013) EA and Maxis built up a huge hype, mostly from YT videos, and people that had SC4, and other SC games helped build it up. They got lots of Hype through Word of mouth, and the beta, which was successful.
But when the game actually came, it was plagued with problems! You couldnt get on for days and there were lots of bugs inconsistencies with the game. Things would disapear. You would be randomly kicked from the server and nothing would save, etc.
They are already on update 7.3, its been 7 months since its been released. There were 19 updates to fix bugs and etc, there still are a bunch of them. The reason they saw so much success is because of the hype they built up. Of course, it is easier for a big company like ea and maxis to build up hype rather than you building it up.