Passenger NPC?

Well, the bot needs to go in the back of an ambulance as a player enters a checkpoint surrounding the bot, , and the bot ID is stored as they connect (which works successfully). The code is then:
pawn Код:
PutPlayerInVehicle(para_PlayerJob[playerid][paraBotID], GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid), 2);
However, this doesn't work!

Messages In This Thread
Passenger NPC? - by Ash. - 08.09.2013, 23:23
Re: Passenger NPC? - by Luis- - 08.09.2013, 23:54
Re: Passenger NPC? - by Ash. - 08.09.2013, 23:58
Re: Passenger NPC? - by Luis- - 09.09.2013, 00:01
Re: Passenger NPC? - by Ash. - 09.09.2013, 05:52
Re: Passenger NPC? - by Ash. - 09.09.2013, 10:35

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