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Passenger NPC? - Printable Version

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Passenger NPC? - Ash. - 08.09.2013


Just wondering how I can get an NPC in a vehicle as a passenger. I've been trying all night but with no avail. Also, searching has not helped, as results push me toward to the NPC tutorial, which is not what I'm after.

I'm using the 'npcidle' script.


Re: Passenger NPC? - Luis- - 08.09.2013

Have you tried PutPlayerInVehicle?

Re: Passenger NPC? - Ash. - 08.09.2013

Yes, the bot just stands there like a lemon.

Re: Passenger NPC? - Luis- - 09.09.2013

Odd. I would assume using that native would of worked but setting the seat to passenger.

Re: Passenger NPC? - Ash. - 09.09.2013

Well, the bot needs to go in the back of an ambulance as a player enters a checkpoint surrounding the bot, , and the bot ID is stored as they connect (which works successfully). The code is then:
pawn Код:
PutPlayerInVehicle(para_PlayerJob[playerid][paraBotID], GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid), 2);
However, this doesn't work!

Re: Passenger NPC? - Ash. - 09.09.2013

Sorry for the bump, however ApplyAnimation doesn't work on these bots either.