Unban Command

Show me your BanPlayer function. It should only kick the player. Then under OnPlayerConnect you load his files and check if banned = 1. If so, we kick him.

What the unban command will do is just open the user's (banned) file and set Banned to 0. Thus 'unbanning' him.

Messages In This Thread
Unban Command - by Blackazur - 14.08.2013, 13:43
Re: Unban Command - by gtakillerIV - 14.08.2013, 13:52
AW: Unban Command - by Blackazur - 14.08.2013, 14:00
Re: Unban Command - by gtakillerIV - 14.08.2013, 14:02
AW: Unban Command - by Blackazur - 14.08.2013, 14:04
Re: Unban Command - by gtakillerIV - 14.08.2013, 14:06
Re: Unban Command - by fiki574 - 14.08.2013, 14:06
AW: Unban Command - by Blackazur - 14.08.2013, 14:09
Re: Unban Command - by gtakillerIV - 14.08.2013, 14:10
AW: Unban Command - by Blackazur - 14.08.2013, 14:32

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