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Unban Command - Printable Version

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Unban Command - Blackazur - 14.08.2013

Hello, this is how i ban a user:

pInfo[targetid][pBanned] = 1;
How to make with that an unban cmd which unban an offline player or an online player?

Re: Unban Command - gtakillerIV - 14.08.2013

Check out my Tutorial

How to ban and unban an offline player.

AW: Unban Command - Blackazur - 14.08.2013

Thanks and i have a question is timeban possible with YINI?

Re: Unban Command - gtakillerIV - 14.08.2013

Yep. I've done it before, you'll have to create your own ban file and ban functions though. Quite easy really.

In other words, you're creating your own custom ban system away from sa-mp's original one.

AW: Unban Command - Blackazur - 14.08.2013

I have an custom ban system and my ban command is so:

new targetid,reason[105],string[256];
			if(sscanf(params, "us[105]", targetid,reason)) return SendClientMessage(playerid,-1,""chat" /ban [playerid] [reason]");
			if(!IsPlayerConnected(targetid)) return SendClientMessage(playerid,-1,""chat""COL_RED" Player is not online.");
			if(pInfo[targetid][pAdminLevel] > 0) return SendClientMessage(playerid,-1,""chat""COL_RED" You cannot ban an admin!");

			format(string, sizeof(string), ""chat""COL_RED" %s %s has banned %s [Reason: %s]",GetAdminName(playerid),PlayerName(playerid),PlayerName(targetid),reason);
            pInfo[targetid][pBanned] = 1;
Can you make me the unban command for that, please? i dont have any idea how to do it that with pbanned = 0; wont work.

Re: Unban Command - gtakillerIV - 14.08.2013

Show me your BanPlayer function. It should only kick the player. Then under OnPlayerConnect you load his files and check if banned = 1. If so, we kick him.

What the unban command will do is just open the user's (banned) file and set Banned to 0. Thus 'unbanning' him.

Re: Unban Command - fiki574 - 14.08.2013

Try my newest include, will save you some time. Link in my signature.

AW: Unban Command - Blackazur - 14.08.2013

Ah i understand now what i have to do thanks but i have a question with offline ban:

new INI:File = INI_Open(UserPath(filestring));
i got a error:

argument type mismatch (argument 1)

Re: Unban Command - gtakillerIV - 14.08.2013

UserPath's first argument must be an integer. For example: UserPath(playerid).

AW: Unban Command - Blackazur - 14.08.2013

So all working, but how to make an timeban command?