09.08.2013, 08:16
Hmm lol ill try that thnx for now,i will tell u what happnd

EDIT:dude now i thot this eror and 3 warnings
warning 201: redefinition of constant/macro (symbol "strcpy(%0,%1)")
on this #define strcpy(%0,%1) strcat(((%0)[0] = EOS, (%0)), %1)
and 3 warnings tag mismatch on this lol where i didnt warns ever
INI_String("RegDate", pInfo[playerid][RegDate],64);

EDIT:dude now i thot this eror and 3 warnings
warning 201: redefinition of constant/macro (symbol "strcpy(%0,%1)")
on this #define strcpy(%0,%1) strcat(((%0)[0] = EOS, (%0)), %1)
and 3 warnings tag mismatch on this lol where i didnt warns ever
INI_String("RegDate", pInfo[playerid][RegDate],64);