Ranking -
dEcooR - 09.08.2013
Hello,i wanna ask how i should make some message that player reached rank.
heres example of my code its at onplayerupdate so message would be spam..so how i should use pvars to got message only once?
new K = pInfo[playerid][Kills];
pRank[playerid] = Kid;
else if(K>100 && K<= 300)
pRank[playerid] = Master;
Re: Ranking -
Misiur - 09.08.2013
I don't think you should do this in OPU callback, I'd recommend using timer (5-10 seconds intervals). Now, in separate function:
pawn Код:
forward CheckRank(playerid);
public CheckRank(playerid) {
new previousRank = pRank[playerid];
switch(pInfo[playerid][Kills]) {
case 100..300: pRank[playerid] = Master;
default: {
pRank[playerid] = Kid;
if(pRank[playerid] != previousRank) {
SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "Hey, you've got promoted! Congratulations");
"Default" will cover for both 0-99 and some random values (bigger than 300 in your case)
Re: Ranking -
dEcooR - 09.08.2013
I had used this sometimes
case 100..300:
but it didnt work for me :/ dude what then if i got total 10 ranks,and want to make message for each rank?
Re: Ranking -
Misiur - 09.08.2013
Switch is your best friend
pawn Код:
#define strcpy(%0,%1) strcat(((%0)[0] = EOS, (%0)), %1)
forward CheckRank(playerid);
public CheckRank(playerid) {
previousRank = pRank[playerid],
switch(pInfo[playerid][Kills]) {
case 100..300: {
pRank[playerid] = Master;
strcpy(rankname, "Master");
case 301..500: {
pRank[playerid] = Mastah;
strcpy(rankname, "Mastah");
case 501..750: {
pRank[playerid] = Promaster;
strcpy(rankname, "Promaster");
default: {
pRank[playerid] = Kid;
strcpy(rankname, "Kid");
if(pRank[playerid] != previousRank) {
strcpy(rankmsg, "Hey, you've got promoted! Congratulations - you are now a ");
strcat(rankmsg, rankname);
SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, rankmsg);
Remeber to declare all variables (Master/Mastah/Promaster/Kid)
Re: Ranking -
dEcooR - 09.08.2013
Hmm lol ill try that thnx for now,i will tell u what happnd
EDIT:dude now i thot this eror and 3 warnings
warning 201: redefinition of constant/macro (symbol "strcpy(%0,%1)")
on this #define strcpy(%0,%1) strcat(((%0)[0] = EOS, (%0)), %1)
and 3 warnings tag mismatch on this lol where i didnt warns ever
INI_String("RegDate", pInfo[playerid][RegDate],64);
Re: Ranking -
Misiur - 09.08.2013
Looks like you have strcpy macro already. Delete the define line and recompile
Re: Ranking -
dEcooR - 09.08.2013
Yes looks like,but i dont got defined it yet in my gm,may it defined somewhere in Y_INI ? btw now its compiled fine i hope it will works
Re: Ranking -
Vince - 09.08.2013
Why do you need timers for standalone events? Doesn't it make more sense to just update ranks when a player kills someone?
Re: Ranking -
dEcooR - 09.08.2013
I dont understand you right,what do you mean when kill someone so should i make that switch in public onplayerdeath?
Re: Ranking -
Misiur - 09.08.2013
Yup, instead of timer move that to OnPlayerDeath (just remember that you are giving points to killerid, not playerid) (this will also fix message on connect).