Server console shows a error?!

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[02:00:52] --------------
[02:00:52] Loading plugin: nativechecker
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- Sscanf isn't added in server.cfg as i see.
Make sure the Include is .so if you are using Linux and .dll if you are using Localhost or windows.

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Originally Posted by Skribblez
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Make sure that you're using the appropriate file format of sscanf for your operating system.

Windows: sscanf.dll

Messages In This Thread
Server console shows a error?! - by Mappers4Life - 08.08.2013, 00:55
Re: Server console shows a error?! - by StuartD - 08.08.2013, 00:58
Re: Server console shows a error?! - by Mappers4Life - 08.08.2013, 00:59
Re: Server console shows a error?! - by StuartD - 08.08.2013, 01:00
Re: Server console shows a error?! - by Mappers4Life - 08.08.2013, 01:03
Re: Server console shows a error?! - by StuartD - 08.08.2013, 01:04
Re: Server console shows a error?! - by Mappers4Life - 08.08.2013, 01:07
Re: Server console shows a error?! - by Skribblez - 08.08.2013, 01:49
Re: Server console shows a error?! - by hossa - 08.08.2013, 04:12
Re: Server console shows a error?! - by Mappers4Life - 08.08.2013, 13:47

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