19.06.2013, 23:56
Hey Kin, thanks.
Mobile Data Computer - thats what the input will be for.
After you type his name you need to search for example the player's registered houses
lemme show you an example
this is the dilaog response --
Havent tested it yet It wont work probably I'm working on it right now.
Mobile Data Computer - thats what the input will be for.
After you type his name you need to search for example the player's registered houses
lemme show you an example
pawn Code:
COMMAND:MDCtest(playerid, params[])
if(IsPlayerFED(playerid) || PlayerInfo[playerid][power] >= 10)
new carid = GetPlayerNearestVehicle(playerid);
if(GetDistanceFromPlayerToVehicle(playerid, carid) > 8.0) return SendClientError(playerid, "You must be inside a PD vehicle or outside it to use the MDC!");
if(Vehicles[carid][carteam]==COPS || Vehicles[carid][carteam]==SASF || Vehicles[carid][carteam]==FBI)
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 200, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST, "LSPD Mobile Data Computer", "\
Registered houses\n\
Registered businesses\n\
Registered vehicles\n\
Registered phone\n\
Pervious convictions", "Select", "Select");
else return SendClientError(playerid, CANT_USE_CMD);
return 1;
pawn Code:
if(dialogid == 201 && response == 1)
if(!PlayerInfo[playerid][power]) return SendClientError(playerid, CANT_USE_CMD);
if( sscanf ( params, "s", iName) || strlen(params) > MAX_PLAYER_NAME) return SCP(playerid, "[Name]");
SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_HELPEROOC, "=====================================================");
SendClientMSG(playerid, COLOR_HELPEROOC, "- HOUSES which have \"%s\" as owner:", iName);
new tmp2[ 30 ];
for(new i; i < sizeof(House); i++)
format(iStr, sizeof(iStr), "Casa%d.txt", i);
if(strcmp(House[i][tmpowner], iName, false)) continue;
SendClientMSG(playerid, COLOR_LIGHTGREY, " HouseID[%d] Owner[%s] Till[$%d]", i, iName, dini_Int(tmp2, "till"));
SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_HELPEROOC, "=====================================================");
return 1;
else if(dialogid == 201 && response == 0) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_RED, "Cancelled.");