Search players in dialog? Possible? -
AdamCooper - 18.06.2013
Its kinda obvious that its possible to do.
OK so a dialog that will give you an option to type a player's name inside and search this player.
If anyone can help I'll be happy
Thanks, Adam
Re: Search players in dialog? Possible? -
Kindred - 18.06.2013
Just make an input dialog whenever you want the player to search a player. For example, a command.
pawn Code:
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,DIALOG_PLAYER_SEARCH, DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT, "Search", "Type a players name to search it!", "Search", "Cancel");
Then OnDialogResponse
pawn Code:
//Do whatever you want it to do with inputtext, which is what they type
You weren't specific what-so-ever, you didn't say you wanted it to check a database (mysql) or files for the name, etc, or if you just wanted online players, etc.
Re: Search players in dialog? Possible? -
AdamCooper - 19.06.2013
Hey Kin, thanks.
Mobile Data Computer - thats what the input will be for.
After you type his name you need to search for example the player's registered houses
lemme show you an example
pawn Code:
COMMAND:MDCtest(playerid, params[])
if(IsPlayerFED(playerid) || PlayerInfo[playerid][power] >= 10)
new carid = GetPlayerNearestVehicle(playerid);
if(GetDistanceFromPlayerToVehicle(playerid, carid) > 8.0) return SendClientError(playerid, "You must be inside a PD vehicle or outside it to use the MDC!");
if(Vehicles[carid][carteam]==COPS || Vehicles[carid][carteam]==SASF || Vehicles[carid][carteam]==FBI)
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 200, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST, "LSPD Mobile Data Computer", "\
Registered houses\n\
Registered businesses\n\
Registered vehicles\n\
Registered phone\n\
Pervious convictions", "Select", "Select");
else return SendClientError(playerid, CANT_USE_CMD);
return 1;
this is the dilaog response --
pawn Code:
if(dialogid == 201 && response == 1)
if(!PlayerInfo[playerid][power]) return SendClientError(playerid, CANT_USE_CMD);
if( sscanf ( params, "s", iName) || strlen(params) > MAX_PLAYER_NAME) return SCP(playerid, "[Name]");
SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_HELPEROOC, "=====================================================");
SendClientMSG(playerid, COLOR_HELPEROOC, "- HOUSES which have \"%s\" as owner:", iName);
new tmp2[ 30 ];
for(new i; i < sizeof(House); i++)
format(iStr, sizeof(iStr), "Casa%d.txt", i);
if(strcmp(House[i][tmpowner], iName, false)) continue;
SendClientMSG(playerid, COLOR_LIGHTGREY, " HouseID[%d] Owner[%s] Till[$%d]", i, iName, dini_Int(tmp2, "till"));
SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_HELPEROOC, "=====================================================");
return 1;
else if(dialogid == 201 && response == 0) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_RED, "Cancelled.");
Havent tested it yet It wont work probably I'm working on it right now.