Rotation for a flat object

Originally Posted by Jhony_Blaze
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If you guys ever used sa-mp editor than you know what I am asking for, the rotation for flat,like the numbers for a flat surface.
I wouldn't touch that editor with 10 foot stick.

Messages In This Thread
Rotation for a flat object - by Jhony_Blaze - 01.05.2013, 18:05
Re: Rotation for a flat object - by MP2 - 01.05.2013, 18:59
Re: Rotation for a flat object - by Pottus - 01.05.2013, 19:16
Re: Rotation for a flat object - by Jhony_Blaze - 01.05.2013, 19:47
Re: Rotation for a flat object - by Sanguy - 01.05.2013, 19:55
Re: Rotation for a flat object - by Jhony_Blaze - 01.05.2013, 19:58
Re: Rotation for a flat object - by Jhony_Blaze - 01.05.2013, 20:02
Re: Rotation for a flat object - by Pottus - 01.05.2013, 20:29
Re: Rotation for a flat object - by Scenario - 01.05.2013, 20:45
Re: Rotation for a flat object - by Pottus - 01.05.2013, 20:51

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