Detect PlayerVehicleDeath

Originally Posted by ReVo_
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Why no OnPlayerDeath man? and check if playerid was in a vehicle
Because if he does no damage to the pilot, the killerid will be INVALID_PLAYER_ID. Unless I misunderstood.

Messages In This Thread
Detect PlayerVehicleDeath - by 2K9CON - 20.03.2013, 19:27
Re: Detect PlayerVehicleDeath - by ReVo_ - 20.03.2013, 19:48
Re: Detect PlayerVehicleDeath - by Konstantinos - 20.03.2013, 19:50
Re: Detect PlayerVehicleDeath - by 2K9CON - 20.03.2013, 19:56
Re: Detect PlayerVehicleDeath - by Konstantinos - 20.03.2013, 20:35

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