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Detect PlayerVehicleDeath - Printable Version

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Detect PlayerVehicleDeath - 2K9CON - 20.03.2013

I'm trying to make it so when somebody shoots another player that is in a rustler (Dogfight type server) and there vehicle gets destroyed it announces it to the server e.g. "NAME took down NAME" or something like that.

The code below i found a while back but it doesent really do what i want it to do :L

PHP код:
public OnVehicleDeath(vehicleidkillerid)
    if (
killerid != GetVehicleDriver(vehicleid) && (GetVehicleDriver(vehicleid) != INVALID_PLAYER_ID || killerid != INVALID_PLAYER_ID))
format(stringsizeof(string), "[KILL] - %s Took Down  %s"PlayerName(GetVehicleDriver(vehicleid)), PlayerName(killerid));

If you have any idea of an include or some code that would be able to make this happen please let me know! Thanks

Re: Detect PlayerVehicleDeath - ReVo_ - 20.03.2013

Why no OnPlayerDeath man? and check if playerid was in a vehicle

Re: Detect PlayerVehicleDeath - Konstantinos - 20.03.2013

Originally Posted by ReVo_
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Why no OnPlayerDeath man? and check if playerid was in a vehicle
Because if he does no damage to the pilot, the killerid will be INVALID_PLAYER_ID. Unless I misunderstood.

Re: Detect PlayerVehicleDeath - 2K9CON - 20.03.2013

Originally Posted by Dwane
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Because if he does no damage to the pilot, the killerid will be INVALID_PLAYER_ID. Unless I misunderstood.
Exactly, i am trying to make it so if the "Killer" Shoots another player down on the killers screen it says "You killed NAME" and on the guy who died screen it says "Killed by NAME"

Re: Detect PlayerVehicleDeath - Konstantinos - 20.03.2013

I had a re-search and I found something that it may be usefull.

Probably a combination with vehicle's position is a good way to detect it!