how to make a Force Cmd?

With /cmds you can write a Dialog or in a SendClientMessage like:

  SendClientMessage(playerid,yourcolor,"List all cmds here:");
  return 1;
Or wanna repeat you it from your /cmds command? then:

  return cmd_commands(playerid,params);
with ZCMD.

Messages In This Thread
how to make a Force Cmd? - by Maftaca - 14.03.2013, 22:22
Re: how to make a Force Cmd? - by Bakr - 14.03.2013, 22:53
AW: how to make a Force Cmd? - by Blackazur - 14.03.2013, 22:54
Re: how to make a Force Cmd? - by Maftaca - 15.03.2013, 09:36
Re: how to make a Force Cmd? - by Ballu Miaa - 15.03.2013, 09:51
Re: how to make a Force Cmd? - by Maftaca - 15.03.2013, 10:56
Re: how to make a Force Cmd? - by Ballu Miaa - 15.03.2013, 17:24
Re: how to make a Force Cmd? - by Denying - 15.03.2013, 17:28
Re: how to make a Force Cmd? - by Maftaca - 15.03.2013, 22:37
Re: how to make a Force Cmd? - by kamzaf - 15.03.2013, 23:21

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