how to make a Force Cmd? -
Maftaca - 14.03.2013
I need help in 2 things.
First, i want /cmds to make it says all what /commands also says.
I can copy and paste. but also i want to know how to be perfect in scripting.
And also. i want to know something else.
I want to make my Bot do a command. Once he connect or Spawn.
Is there is a way to make the bot be forced to write /farce?
Re: how to make a Force Cmd? -
Bakr - 14.03.2013
Are you using ZCMD? If so, the first question is on the main post of the thread.
As for the second, apparently there is a SendCommand function for NPCs (but no documentation on the wiki?).
AW: how to make a Force Cmd? -
Blackazur - 14.03.2013
With /cmds you can write a Dialog or in a SendClientMessage like:
SendClientMessage(playerid,yourcolor,"List all cmds here:");
return 1;
Or wanna repeat you it from your /cmds command? then:
return cmd_commands(playerid,params);
with ZCMD.
Re: how to make a Force Cmd? -
Maftaca - 15.03.2013
Re: how to make a Force Cmd? -
Ballu Miaa - 15.03.2013
Coded by: ******.
pawn Код:
YCMD:cmds(playerid, params[], help)
if (help)
SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFF0000AA, "Lists all the commands a player can use.");
new count = Command_GetPlayerCommandCount(playerid);
for (new i = 0; i != count; ++i)
SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFF0000AA, Command_GetNext(i, playerid));
return 1;
Re: how to make a Force Cmd? -
Maftaca - 15.03.2013
Ok Nevermind that for now, right now i need to know something else. real important. :O
My NPC Atleast should reply to someone who says 'Yo NickNPC'
it replies with 'Hello %s', And it is working nice. IF i add another text like 'Yo NickNPC, Anything awesome?'
He answers with 'Updates: blablabla'.
But right now, he replies with what YoNickNPC says and Yo NickNPC, Anything Awesome?', 2 in the same. Any help?
Re: how to make a Force Cmd? -
Ballu Miaa - 15.03.2013
Originally Posted by Maftaca
Ok Nevermind that for now, right now i need to know something else. real important. :O
My NPC Atleast should reply to someone who says 'Yo NickNPC'
it replies with 'Hello %s', And it is working nice. IF i add another text like 'Yo NickNPC, Anything awesome?'
He answers with 'Updates: blablabla'.
But right now, he replies with what YoNickNPC says and Yo NickNPC, Anything Awesome?', 2 in the same. Any help?
That made no sense at all.
Re: how to make a Force Cmd? -
Denying - 15.03.2013
Originally Posted by Ballu Miaa
That made no sense at all.
Re: how to make a Force Cmd? -
Maftaca - 15.03.2013
How it doesn't? lol, It is just this.
Re: how to make a Force Cmd? -
kamzaf - 15.03.2013
Originally Posted by Maftaca
How it doesn't? lol, It is just this.
Originally Posted by Maftaca
it replies with 'Hello %s', And it is working nice. IF i add another text like 'Yo NickNPC, Anything awesome?'
He answers with 'Updates: blablabla'.
But right now, he replies with what YoNickNPC says and Yo NickNPC, Anything Awesome?', 2 in the same. Any help?
^^ that made no sense.. Your first saying if the player says: "Yo NickNPC, anything awesome?" the npc responds with:"'Updates: blablabla'." but then at the end your saying if the player says "Yo nicknpc" or "yo nicknpc anything awesome?" he replys with the same thing as "Hello %s".
^ that made no sense...