08.03.2013, 03:58
You just have to be persistent, and not limit yourself to one language. You not only have to know them, you have to be completely fluent. After you learn html/css, you should then go on to learn basic javascript, then jquery with ajax (ajax is easier with jquery). Then you could go on to learn PHP with a database system. ASP is really just microsoft's equivalent to PHP, except the tools are more expensive. Web development is really cool though. It's (IMO) more profitable than learning the low-level languages having more to do with the actual computer. In short, just be resourceful, the internet is a place where you could really learn just about anything.
Try this website too, I found it useful at times.
I think you might be confused about that. HTML/CSS are the front-end sides of the site (things visually seen by the user). The stuff about PHP/ASP is right though.
Try this website too, I found it useful at times.
I think you might be confused about that. HTML/CSS are the front-end sides of the site (things visually seen by the user). The stuff about PHP/ASP is right though.