Will a VehicleID be alsways the same?

Originally Posted by harrold
If i save a VehicleID in a HouseSystem and i restart then it have the same VehicleID?
vehicleid depends on the order you created the vehicle, so depending whether you add them staticly or dynamicly, yes and no.

Messages In This Thread
Will a VehicleID be alsways the same? - by harrold - 26.02.2009, 19:31
Re: Will a VehicleID be alsways the same? - by boylett - 26.02.2009, 19:33
Re: Will a VehicleID be alsways the same? - by harrold - 26.02.2009, 19:34
Re: Will a VehicleID be alsways the same? - by harrold - 26.02.2009, 19:36

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