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Will a VehicleID be alsways the same? - Printable Version

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Will a VehicleID be alsways the same? - harrold - 26.02.2009

If i save a VehicleID in a HouseSystem and i restart then it have the same VehicleID?

Re: Will a VehicleID be alsways the same? - boylett - 26.02.2009

Originally Posted by harrold
If i save a VehicleID in a HouseSystem and i restart then it have the same VehicleID?
vehicleid depends on the order you created the vehicle, so depending whether you add them staticly or dynamicly, yes and no.

Re: Will a VehicleID be alsways the same? - harrold - 26.02.2009

What you mean it save like

everyCar have a ID?

Re: Will a VehicleID be alsways the same? - harrold - 26.02.2009

Solved a mod/admin/dev del please