MoveDynamicObject buggy?

It isn't even right. MoveDynamicObject takes the coordinates to tranlsate/move from the current coordinate to the coordinate you put on the MoveDynamicObject arguments and the way you are doing is adding onto them and that's why they are jagged and glitched up. Don't add/subtract values inside the MoveDynamicObject.

Messages In This Thread
MoveDynamicObject isnt worked! How to solve it? - by qkac1234 - 28.01.2013, 17:17
Re: MoveDynamicObject buggy? - by Stevo127 - 28.01.2013, 17:59
Re: MoveDynamicObject buggy? - by qkac1234 - 03.02.2013, 16:12
Re: MoveDynamicObject buggy? - by T0pAz - 03.02.2013, 16:18
Re: MoveDynamicObject buggy? - by qkac1234 - 03.02.2013, 16:41
Re: MoveDynamicObject buggy? - by T0pAz - 03.02.2013, 16:45
Re: MoveDynamicObject buggy? - by qkac1234 - 03.02.2013, 17:58

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