Please check,undefined symbol errors!

stock LoadDealershipCars()

	for(new i = 1; i < MAX_VEHICLES; i++)
		format(file, sizeof(file), "dealerships/vehicles/%d.cfg", i);
		if(!fexist(file)) continue;
		if(fexist(file) && INI_Open(file))
		    if(GetVehicleModel(i) > 399)
                for (new v = 1; v < MAX_VEHICLES; v ++)
		            if (GetVehicleModel(v) == 0)
		                i = v;
				format(file2, sizeof(file2), "dealerships/vehicles/%d.cfg", i);
				frename(file, file2);
		    VehicleStatistics[i][vehicle_dealership] = INI_ReadInt("vehicle_dealership");
			VehicleStatistics[i][vehicle_model] = INI_ReadInt("vehicle_model");
			VehicleStatistics[i][vehicle_price] = INI_ReadInt("vehicle_price");
   			VehicleStatistics[i][vehicle_position][1] = INI_ReadFloat("vehicle_x");
		    VehicleStatistics[i][vehicle_position][2] = INI_ReadFloat("vehicle_y");
		    VehicleStatistics[i][vehicle_position][3] = INI_ReadFloat("vehicle_z");
			VehicleStatistics[i][vehicle_position][4] = INI_ReadFloat("vehicle_angle");
      		VehicleStatistics[i][vehicle_onsale] = INI_ReadInt("vehicle_onsale");
			vehicle = CreateVehicle(VehicleStatistics[i][vehicle_model], VehicleStatistics[i][vehicle_position][1], VehicleStatistics[i][vehicle_position][2], VehicleStatistics[i][vehicle_position][3], VehicleStatistics[i][vehicle_position][4], 0, 0, -1);
			format(string, sizeof(string), "{00C3FF}%s On Sale - Price: $%d{00C3FF}", GetVehicleName(vehicle), VehicleStatistics[i][vehicle_price]);
			VehicleStatistics[i][vehicle_label] = Create3DTextLabel(string, color_orange, VehicleStatistics[i][vehicle_position][1], VehicleStatistics[i][vehicle_position][2], VehicleStatistics[i][vehicle_position][3], 10.0, 0);
	return 1;
Now i'we done that all...there is still one error Undefined symbol VehicleStatistics and Undefined symbol vehicle_dealership

D:\Users\ROBERT\Desktop\- Exclusive Gaming RolePlay - 0.3e\gamemodes\egrp.pwn(937) : error 017: undefined symbol "VehicleStatistics"
D:\Users\ROBERT\Desktop\- Exclusive Gaming RolePlay - 0.3e\gamemodes\egrp.pwn(937) : error 029: invalid expression, assumed zero
D:\Users\ROBERT\Desktop\- Exclusive Gaming RolePlay - 0.3e\gamemodes\egrp.pwn(937) : error 017: undefined symbol "vehicle_dealership"
D:\Users\ROBERT\Desktop\- Exclusive Gaming RolePlay - 0.3e\gamemodes\egrp.pwn(937) : fatal error 107: too many error messages on one line

Messages In This Thread
Please check,undefined symbol errors! - by LuckyPlaya` - 21.01.2013, 19:45
Re: Please check,undefined symbol errors! - by azzerking - 21.01.2013, 19:51
Re: Please check,undefined symbol errors! - by LuckyPlaya` - 21.01.2013, 20:01
Re: Please check,undefined symbol errors! - by azzerking - 21.01.2013, 20:08
Re: Please check,undefined symbol errors! - by LuckyPlaya` - 21.01.2013, 20:11
Re: Please check,undefined symbol errors! - by azzerking - 21.01.2013, 20:15
Re: Please check,undefined symbol errors! - by LuckyPlaya` - 21.01.2013, 20:20
Re: Please check,undefined symbol errors! - by azzerking - 21.01.2013, 20:45
Re: Please check,undefined symbol errors! - by LuckyPlaya` - 22.01.2013, 09:21

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