Please check,undefined symbol errors! -
LuckyPlaya` - 21.01.2013
D:\Users\ROBERT\Desktop\- Exclusive Gaming RolePlay - 0.3e\gamemodes\egrp.pwn(903) : error 021: symbol already defined: "frename"
D:\Users\ROBERT\Desktop\- Exclusive Gaming RolePlay - 0.3e\gamemodes\egrp.pwn(953) : error 017: undefined symbol "VehicleStatistics"
D:\Users\ROBERT\Desktop\- Exclusive Gaming RolePlay - 0.3e\gamemodes\egrp.pwn(954) : error 017: undefined symbol "VehicleStatistics"
D:\Users\ROBERT\Desktop\- Exclusive Gaming RolePlay - 0.3e\gamemodes\egrp.pwn(955) : error 017: undefined symbol "VehicleStatistics"
D:\Users\ROBERT\Desktop\- Exclusive Gaming RolePlay - 0.3e\gamemodes\egrp.pwn(956) : error 017: undefined symbol "VehicleStatistics"
D:\Users\ROBERT\Desktop\- Exclusive Gaming RolePlay - 0.3e\gamemodes\egrp.pwn(956) : error 029: invalid expression, assumed zero
D:\Users\ROBERT\Desktop\- Exclusive Gaming RolePlay - 0.3e\gamemodes\egrp.pwn(956) : warning 215: expression has no effect
D:\Users\ROBERT\Desktop\- Exclusive Gaming RolePlay - 0.3e\gamemodes\egrp.pwn(956) : error 001: expected token: ";", but found "]"
D:\Users\ROBERT\Desktop\- Exclusive Gaming RolePlay - 0.3e\gamemodes\egrp.pwn(956) : fatal error 107: too many error messages on one line
VehicleStatistics[i][vehicle_dealership] = INI_ReadInt("vehicle_dealership");
VehicleStatistics[i][vehicle_model] = INI_ReadInt("vehicle_model");
VehicleStatistics[i][vehicle_price] = INI_ReadInt("vehicle_price");
VehicleStatistics[i][vehicle_position][1] = INI_ReadFloat("vehicle_x");
Re: Please check,undefined symbol errors! -
azzerking - 21.01.2013
1st Error
You've defined frename twice within the code or through the entire script(Including FS's).
2nd -4th Error
You need to define the symbol
pawn Код:
new VehicleStatistics[225];
5th+ Error
Not enough info to go on, try showing me a little more code, including lines below and above the current selection, and also show me all the defined definitions.
Re: Please check,undefined symbol errors! -
LuckyPlaya` - 21.01.2013
stock LoadDealershipCars()
for(new i = 1; i < MAX_VEHICLES; i++)
format(file, sizeof(file), "dealerships/vehicles/%d.cfg", i);
if(!fexist(file)) continue;
if(fexist(file) && INI_Open(file))
if(GetVehicleModel(i) > 399)
for (new v = 1; v < MAX_VEHICLES; v ++)
if (GetVehicleModel(v) == 0)
i = v;
format(file2, sizeof(file2), "dealerships/vehicles/%d.cfg", i);
frename(file, file2);
VehicleStatistics[i][vehicle_dealership] = INI_ReadInt("vehicle_dealership");
VehicleStatistics[i][vehicle_model] = INI_ReadInt("vehicle_model");
VehicleStatistics[i][vehicle_price] = INI_ReadInt("vehicle_price");
VehicleStatistics[i][vehicle_position][1] = INI_ReadFloat("vehicle_x");
VehicleStatistics[i][vehicle_position][2] = INI_ReadFloat("vehicle_y");
VehicleStatistics[i][vehicle_position][3] = INI_ReadFloat("vehicle_z");
VehicleStatistics[i][vehicle_position][4] = INI_ReadFloat("vehicle_angle");
VehicleStatistics[i][vehicle_onsale] = INI_ReadInt("vehicle_onsale");
vehicle = CreateVehicle(VehicleStatistics[i][vehicle_model], VehicleStatistics[i][vehicle_position][1], VehicleStatistics[i][vehicle_position][2], VehicleStatistics[i][vehicle_position][3], VehicleStatistics[i][vehicle_position][4], 0, 0, -1);
format(string, sizeof(string), "{00C3FF}%s On Sale - Price: $%d{00C3FF}", GetVehicleName(vehicle), VehicleStatistics[i][vehicle_price]);
VehicleStatistics[i][vehicle_label] = Create3DTextLabel(string, color_orange, VehicleStatistics[i][vehicle_position][1], VehicleStatistics[i][vehicle_position][2], VehicleStatistics[i][vehicle_position][3], 10.0, 0);
return 1;
Now i'we done that all...there is still one error Undefined symbol VehicleStatistics and Undefined symbol vehicle_dealership
D:\Users\ROBERT\Desktop\- Exclusive Gaming RolePlay - 0.3e\gamemodes\egrp.pwn(937) : error 017: undefined symbol "VehicleStatistics"
D:\Users\ROBERT\Desktop\- Exclusive Gaming RolePlay - 0.3e\gamemodes\egrp.pwn(937) : error 029: invalid expression, assumed zero
D:\Users\ROBERT\Desktop\- Exclusive Gaming RolePlay - 0.3e\gamemodes\egrp.pwn(937) : error 017: undefined symbol "vehicle_dealership"
D:\Users\ROBERT\Desktop\- Exclusive Gaming RolePlay - 0.3e\gamemodes\egrp.pwn(937) : fatal error 107: too many error messages on one line
Re: Please check,undefined symbol errors! -
azzerking - 21.01.2013
pawn Код:
stock LoadDealershipCars()
for(new i = 1; i < MAX_VEHICLES; i++)
format(file, sizeof(file), "dealerships/vehicles/%d.cfg", i);
if(!fexist(file)) continue;
if(fexist(file) && INI_Open(file))
if(GetVehicleModel(i) > 399)
for (new v = 1; v < MAX_VEHICLES; v ++)
if (GetVehicleModel(v) == 0)
i = v;
format(file2, sizeof(file2), "dealerships/vehicles/%d.cfg", i);
frename(file, file2);
VehicleStatistics[i][vehicle_dealership] = INI_ReadInt("vehicle_dealership");
VehicleStatistics[i][vehicle_model] = INI_ReadInt("vehicle_model");
VehicleStatistics[i][vehicle_price] = INI_ReadInt("vehicle_price");
VehicleStatistics[i][vehicle_position][1] = INI_ReadFloat("vehicle_x");
VehicleStatistics[i][vehicle_position][2] = INI_ReadFloat("vehicle_y");
VehicleStatistics[i][vehicle_position][3] = INI_ReadFloat("vehicle_z");
VehicleStatistics[i][vehicle_position][4] = INI_ReadFloat("vehicle_angle");
VehicleStatistics[i][vehicle_onsale] = INI_ReadInt("vehicle_onsale");
vehicle = CreateVehicle(VehicleStatistics[i][vehicle_model], VehicleStatistics[i][vehicle_position][1], VehicleStatistics[i][vehicle_position][2], VehicleStatistics[i][vehicle_position][3], VehicleStatistics[i][vehicle_position][4], 0, 0, -1);
format(string, sizeof(string), "{00C3FF}%s On Sale - Price: $%d{00C3FF}", GetVehicleName(vehicle), VehicleStatistics[i][vehicle_price]);
VehicleStatistics[i][vehicle_label] = Create3DTextLabel(string, color_orange, VehicleStatistics[i][vehicle_position][1], VehicleStatistics[i][vehicle_position][2], VehicleStatistics[i][vehicle_position][3], 10.0, 0);
return 1;
The Fix
Try this and post back the last error, if there is one?
Re: Please check,undefined symbol errors! -
LuckyPlaya` - 21.01.2013
I've got 4 errors
D:\Users\ROBERT\Desktop\- Exclusive Gaming RolePlay - 0.3e\gamemodes\egrp.pwn(916) : warning 219: local variable "VehicleStatistics" shadows a variable at a preceding level
D:\Users\ROBERT\Desktop\- Exclusive Gaming RolePlay - 0.3e\gamemodes\egrp.pwn(935) : warning 217: loose indentation
D:\Users\ROBERT\Desktop\- Exclusive Gaming RolePlay - 0.3e\gamemodes\egrp.pwn(938) : warning 215: expression has no effect
D:\Users\ROBERT\Desktop\- Exclusive Gaming RolePlay - 0.3e\gamemodes\egrp.pwn(938) : error 001: expected token: ";", but found "["
D:\Users\ROBERT\Desktop\- Exclusive Gaming RolePlay - 0.3e\gamemodes\egrp.pwn(938) : error 029: invalid expression, assumed zero
D:\Users\ROBERT\Desktop\- Exclusive Gaming RolePlay - 0.3e\gamemodes\egrp.pwn(938) : warning 215: expression has no effect
D:\Users\ROBERT\Desktop\- Exclusive Gaming RolePlay - 0.3e\gamemodes\egrp.pwn(938) : error 001: expected token: ";", but found "]"
D:\Users\ROBERT\Desktop\- Exclusive Gaming RolePlay - 0.3e\gamemodes\egrp.pwn(938) : fatal error 107: too many error messages on one line
Compilation aborted.Pawn compiler 3.2.3664 Copyright © 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase
4 Errors.
Re: Please check,undefined symbol errors! -
azzerking - 21.01.2013
Show me the main place of where "VehicleStatistics" is being used. Have you made it an array?
You may need to in order to use it like one. Also add it to the main script and not just in one function. That way you don't have to keep making a new
Re: Please check,undefined symbol errors! -
LuckyPlaya` - 21.01.2013
How do you meen main place. Its used in like LoadDealershipCars,SaveDealership,CreateDealership Vehicle...what should i post here...
Re: Please check,undefined symbol errors! -
azzerking - 21.01.2013
Put this at the top of your script
pawn Код:
enum vehicle_stats
new VehicleStatistics[MAX_VEHICLES][vehicle_stats];
I'm guessing this might help?
It's from this:
and has the same function and names as yours, so im guessing this is what your using?
Re: Please check,undefined symbol errors! -
LuckyPlaya` - 22.01.2013
Yes,that what am i using. But still i am getting
D:\Users\ROBERT\Desktop\- Exclusive Gaming RolePlay - 0.3e(pogledat na forumu jel odgovoreno)\gamemodes\egrp.pwn(916) : warning 219: local variable "VehicleStatistics" shadows a variable at a preceding level
D:\Users\ROBERT\Desktop\- Exclusive Gaming RolePlay - 0.3e(pogledat na forumu jel odgovoreno)\gamemodes\egrp.pwn(935) : warning 217: loose indentation
D:\Users\ROBERT\Desktop\- Exclusive Gaming RolePlay - 0.3e(pogledat na forumu jel odgovoreno)\gamemodes\egrp.pwn(938) : warning 215: expression has no effect
D:\Users\ROBERT\Desktop\- Exclusive Gaming RolePlay - 0.3e(pogledat na forumu jel odgovoreno)\gamemodes\egrp.pwn(938) : error 001: expected token: ";", but found "["
D:\Users\ROBERT\Desktop\- Exclusive Gaming RolePlay - 0.3e(pogledat na forumu jel odgovoreno)\gamemodes\egrp.pwn(938) : error 029: invalid expression, assumed zero
D:\Users\ROBERT\Desktop\- Exclusive Gaming RolePlay - 0.3e(pogledat na forumu jel odgovoreno)\gamemodes\egrp.pwn(938) : warning 215: expression has no effect
D:\Users\ROBERT\Desktop\- Exclusive Gaming RolePlay - 0.3e(pogledat na forumu jel odgovoreno)\gamemodes\egrp.pwn(938) : error 001: expected token: ";", but found "]"
D:\Users\ROBERT\Desktop\- Exclusive Gaming RolePlay - 0.3e(pogledat na forumu jel odgovoreno)\gamemodes\egrp.pwn(938) : fatal error 107: too many error messages on one line