Check if player is in the Crouching animation.


I'd like to peform an action, this action depends on if the player is currently standing or crouching.
How do I check if he's in the crouching animation?

It's not about hitting the key, it's just if he's in the animation ( Shooting an M4 from crouching for example ).


Messages In This Thread
Check if player is in the Crouching animation. - by Rick_Koning - 08.01.2013, 21:56
Re: Check if player is in the Crouching animation. - by Dinnozor - 08.01.2013, 22:00
Re: Check if player is in the Crouching animation. - by dannyk0ed - 08.01.2013, 22:07
Re: Check if player is in the Crouching animation. - by Rick_Koning - 08.01.2013, 23:16
Re: Check if player is in the Crouching animation. - by mastermax7777 - 08.01.2013, 23:19

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