Switching through textdraws on class selection

You could start with that you rename your textdraws like new Text:TextdrawC[10];

and then
for(new i; i < sizeof(TextdrawC); i++)
TextDrawShowForPlayer(playerid, TextdrawC[i]);

else you have alot of unneeded code, also be sure if you really need that many textdraws.

Messages In This Thread
Switching through textdraws on class selection - by [SF]OutLawZ - 04.01.2013, 01:11
Re: Switching through textdraws on class selection - by [SF]OutLawZ - 07.01.2013, 09:37
Re: Switching through textdraws on class selection - by ikey07 - 07.01.2013, 09:54
Re: Switching through textdraws on class selection - by Kreatyve - 07.01.2013, 10:00

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