Why does this only work for the highest player ID?

pawn Код:
if (gTeam[i] == LSPD1 || gTeam[i] == LSPD2 || gTeam[i] == SWAT || gTeam[i] == FBI || gTeam[i] == CIA || gTeam[i] == ARMY)
                if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(i, 15, 1590.1999511719, -1638.0999755859, 15.300000190735)) //If they are near the point
                    if(IsLSPDGateOpen == false)
                    MoveObject(LSPDGate, 1598.1999511719, -1637.9000244141, 15.300000190735, 5.0); //Open Position
                    IsLSPDGateOpen = true;
                    if(IsLSPDGateOpen == true)
                    MoveObject(LSPDGate, 1590.1999511719, -1638.0999755859, 15.300000190735, 5.0); //Back to closed position
                    IsLSPDGateOpen = false;

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