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Why does this only work for the highest player ID? - Printable Version

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Why does this only work for the highest player ID? - 101 - 16.12.2012

pawn Код:
if (gTeam[i] == LSPD1 || gTeam[i] == LSPD2 || gTeam[i] == SWAT || gTeam[i] == FBI || gTeam[i] == CIA || gTeam[i] == ARMY)
                if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(i, 15, 1590.1999511719, -1638.0999755859, 15.300000190735)) //If they are near the point
                    if(IsLSPDGateOpen == false)
                    MoveObject(LSPDGate, 1598.1999511719, -1637.9000244141, 15.300000190735, 5.0); //Open Position
                    IsLSPDGateOpen = true;
                    if(IsLSPDGateOpen == true)
                    MoveObject(LSPDGate, 1590.1999511719, -1638.0999755859, 15.300000190735, 5.0); //Back to closed position
                    IsLSPDGateOpen = false;

Re: Why does this only work for the highest player ID? - Mike_Peterson - 16.12.2012

I can't see anything weird in this code, rather show us some code which shows the loop line

Re: Why does this only work for the highest player ID? - DaRk_RaiN - 16.12.2012

pawn Код:
for(new i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
if (gTeam[i] == LSPD1 || gTeam[i] == LSPD2 || gTeam[i] == SWAT || gTeam[i] == FBI || gTeam[i] == CIA || gTeam[i] == ARMY)
                if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(i, 15, 1590.1999511719, -1638.0999755859, 15.300000190735)) //If they are near the point
                    if(IsLSPDGateOpen == false)
                    MoveObject(LSPDGate, 1598.1999511719, -1637.9000244141, 15.300000190735, 5.0); //Open Position
                    IsLSPDGateOpen = true;
                    if(IsLSPDGateOpen == true)
                    MoveObject(LSPDGate, 1590.1999511719, -1638.0999755859, 15.300000190735, 5.0); //Back to closed position
                    IsLSPDGateOpen = false;

Re: Why does this only work for the highest player ID? - 101 - 16.12.2012

That is my loop line, I also gave it a try using foreach. Same thing.

for(new i=0; i<MAX_PLAYERS; i++)

Re: Why does this only work for the highest player ID? - Mike_Peterson - 16.12.2012

Is this a command or a gatecheck timer?
also, by saying this only works for the highest player is it so that if you have 3 players, (0) Bob, (1) Hank, (2) Will
and these 3 are all in the LSPD1 team, it only works for Will?

Re: Why does this only work for the highest player ID? - 101 - 16.12.2012

Yes it only works for will. It is a onesecond timer under which I do everything I need to have with a timer.

Re: Why does this only work for the highest player ID? - Mike_Peterson - 16.12.2012

You know I've seen glitches where it only works for id 0, but the highest player? Is there anything in your script that detects the highest playerid? Maybe that interferes.. if you don't know, I'm affraid you'll have to post your entire timer...

Re: Why does this only work for the highest player ID? - 101 - 16.12.2012

As far as I am aware no there is not. I never had a reason to add that.
pawn Код:
forward Timex();
public Timex()
   foreach(Player, i)
            //Gates Start
      if (gTeam[i] == LSPD1 || gTeam[i] == LSPD2 || gTeam[i] == SWAT || gTeam[i] == FBI || gTeam[i] == CIA || gTeam[i] == ARMY)
                if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(i, 15, 1590.1999511719, -1638.0999755859, 15.300000190735)) //If they are near the point
                    if(IsLSPDGateOpen == false)
                    MoveObject(LSPDGate, 1598.1999511719, -1637.9000244141, 15.300000190735, 5.0); //Open Position
                    IsLSPDGateOpen = true;
                    if(IsLSPDGateOpen == true)
                    MoveObject(LSPDGate, 1590.1999511719, -1638.0999755859, 15.300000190735, 5.0); //Back to closed position
                    IsLSPDGateOpen = false;
            if (gTeam[i] == CIA)
                if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(i, 15, 320.79998779297, -1487.9000244141, 28.200000762939)) //If they are near the point
                    if(IsCIAGateOpen == false)
                    MoveObject(CIAGate, 314, -1482.8000488281, 28.200000762939, 5.0); //Open Position
                    IsCIAGateOpen = true;
                    if(IsCIAGateOpen == true)
                    MoveObject(CIAGate, 320.79998779297, -1487.9000244141, 28.200000762939, 5.0); //Back to closed position
                    IsCIAGateOpen = false;
            if (gTeam[i] == CIA)
                if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(i, 15, 282.79998779297, -1542.5999755859, 28.200000762939)) //If they are near the point
                    if(IsCIAGate2Open == false)
                    MoveObject(CIAGate2, 275.60000610352, -1538.0999755859, 28.200000762939, 5.0); //Open Position
                    IsCIAGate2Open = true;
                    if(IsCIAGate2Open == true)
                    MoveObject(CIAGate2, 282.79998779297, -1542.5999755859, 28.200000762939, 5.0); //Back to closed position
                    IsCIAGate2Open = false;
            if (gTeam[i] == ARMY)
                if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(i, 10, 2720, -2409.6000976563, 12.5)) //If they are near the point
                    if(IsARMYGateOpen == false)
                    MoveObject(ARMYGate, 2719.6000976563, -2401.3999023438, 12.5, 5.0); //Open Position
                    IsARMYGateOpen = true;
                    if(IsARMYGateOpen == true)
                    MoveObject(ARMYGate, 2720, -2409.6000976563, 12.5, 5.0); //Back to closed position
                    IsARMYGateOpen = false;
            if (gTeam[i] == ARMY)
                if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(i, 10, 2720, -2508.3000488281, 12.5)) //If they are near the point
                    if(IsARMYGate2Open == false)
                    MoveObject(ARMYGate2, 2719.8000488281, -2499.6000976563, 12.5, 5.0); //Open Position
                    IsARMYGate2Open = true;
                    if(IsARMYGate2Open == true)
                    MoveObject(ARMYGate2, 2720, -2508.3000488281, 12.5, 5.0); //Back to closed position
                    IsARMYGate2Open = false;
            if (gTeam[i] == SWAT)
                if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(i, 15, 1287.3000488281, -1650.0999755859, 15.300000190735)) //If they are near the point
                    if(IsSWATGateOpen == false)
                    MoveObject(SWATGate, 1286.8000488281, -1638.8000488281, 15.300000190735, 5.0); //Open Position
                    IsSWATGateOpen = true;
                    if(IsSWATGateOpen == true)
                    MoveObject(SWATGate, 1287.3000488281, -1650.0999755859, 15.300000190735, 5.0); //Back to closed position
                    IsSWATGateOpen = false;
            if (gTeam[i] == FBI)
                if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(i, 15, 1534.3000488281, -1451.6999511719, 15.199999809265)) //If they are near the point
                    if(IsFBIGateOpen == false)
                    MoveObject(FBIGate, 1545.8000488281, -1451.5, 15.199999809265, 5.0); //Open Position
                    IsFBIGateOpen = true;
                    if(IsFBIGateOpen == true)
                    MoveObject(FBIGate, 1534.3000488281, -1451.6999511719, 15.199999809265, 5.0); //Back to closed position
                    IsFBIGateOpen = false;
            //Gates End
    return 1;

Re: Why does this only work for the highest player ID? - Mike_Peterson - 16.12.2012

oh god, please post it in [code] or [pawn] format, i will edit my post once you done that with a further message.

Re: Why does this only work for the highest player ID? - 101 - 16.12.2012

Originally Posted by Mike_Peterson
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oh god, please post it in [code] or [pawn] format, i will edit my post once you done that with a further message.
My apologies, missed the closing /pawn