[Ajuda] erro array idex out of bounds

bom gente eu to tentando colocar umas imagems randomicas na tela do login, nao sao bem imagem mas sim posicoes, ao invez do player ficar em uma so posicao as posicoes vao mudando e vae mostrando outros lugares a cada 5 segundos.

eu fa fiz tudiin mas ta com esse erro ae na public: array index outr of bounds (variable camera)

meu codigo:
new Float:camera[42][3] = {
{-2862.8813,1017.3004,38.2339},//fim playerposepose
{-2864.8843,1019.8088,37.7624},// fim do lookat     
{-2862.8813,1017.3004,38.2339}// fim do camerapose

//imagems radomicas
forward mycam(playerid);
new countdacamera[MAX_PLAYERS];
new cccam[MAX_PLAYERS];
new cameratemp = 3000; 

//em OnPlayerDisconnect
cccam[playerid] = 0;

// no final do gm.
public mycam(playerid)
    if(cccam[playerid] <= 3)
        new rand;
        rand = random(sizeof(camera));
        SetPlayerPos(playerid, camera[rand][0], camera[rand][1], camera[rand][2], camera[rand][3], camera[rand][4], camera[rand][5], camera[rand][6], camera[rand][7], camera[rand][8], camera[rand][9], camera[rand][10], camera[rand][11], camera[rand][12], camera[rand][13]);//erro ta aki
        SetPlayerCameraLookAt(playerid, camera[rand][14], camera[rand][15], camera[rand][16], camera[rand][17], camera[rand][18], camera[rand][19], camera[rand][20], camera[rand][21], camera[rand][22], camera[rand][23], camera[rand][24], camera[rand][25], camera[rand][26], camera[rand][27]); //aki
        SetPlayerCameraPos(playerid, camera[rand][28], camera[rand][29], camera[rand][30], camera[rand][31], camera[rand][32], camera[rand][33], camera[rand][34], camera[rand][35], camera[rand][36], camera[rand][37], camera[rand][38], camera[rand][39], camera[rand][40], camera[rand][41]);// e  aki

// na public OnPlayerRequestClass ou na sua public que checa o login.

countdacamera[playerid] = SetTimerEx("mycam",cameratemp,true,"i",playerid);
o erro aparece nas linhas : setplayerpos, setplayerlookat e setplayercameraposy

Messages In This Thread
erro array idex out of bounds - by gate - 04.12.2012, 13:36
Re: erro array idex out of bounds - by Coreia - 04.12.2012, 13:39
Re: erro array idex out of bounds - by gate - 04.12.2012, 13:42
Re: erro array idex out of bounds - by MatheusAlcapone - 04.12.2012, 13:53
Re: erro array idex out of bounds - by gate - 04.12.2012, 14:09
Respuesta: Re: erro array idex out of bounds - by kratty - 04.12.2012, 14:13
Re: Respuesta: Re: erro array idex out of bounds - by gate - 04.12.2012, 14:21
Respuesta: erro array idex out of bounds - by kratty - 04.12.2012, 14:26
Re: Respuesta: erro array idex out of bounds - by gate - 04.12.2012, 16:17

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