30.10.2012, 08:38
PHP код:
public OnPlayerUpdate( playerid )
case 0...49: rank[playerid] = 0,TRank = "Put your the rank you like here";
case 50...99: rank[playerid] = 1,TRank = "Put your the rank you like here";
case 100...199: rank[playerid] = 2,TRank = "Put your the rank you like here";
case 200...499: rank[playerid] = 3,TRank = "Put your the rank you like here";
case 500...799: rank[playerid] = 4,TRank = "Put your the rank you like here";
case 800...8000: rank[playerid] = 5,TRank = "Put your the rank you like here";
format( string, sizeof string, "~y~Rank:~w~ %s", rank[ playerid ],TRank);
TextDrawSetString( Textdraw0, string );